About Me
My name is Kiernan Johnson I can be miss understood by many off first look but I am just a lone wolf that allows you to be im my presnse I observe and analzye my enviroment learn as much as I can and move to the next and spread my knowledge to the rest who have never thought outside of the box.
I was born and raised in Newburgh a place with limited amount of opportunity available unless you move some where else or create something. I took it in my hands to create a better opportunity and future for myself right here in my home town I have tried over 20 side hustles with trials and error and some that have great amount of progress are just put on hold until I get to the next level but the one that stood out to me the most is creating an online course to help people.
The field of work I am in has been getting slow I dont feel I trust it in the long run I want to be able to start my family of my own at some point soon my grind and my hustle is for that unborn kid and wife that I dont have yet I want to provide for my family and not feel the stress of the finacial stab life is giving to my generation. If I can create something that helps people and takes care of me to be able to continue then its like a form of not even working just doing what I love on a daily and trying to reach as many people I can each day with my Instagram post I do 3 times a day because sometimes all it takes is the right person to see or hear the right words from the right person such as an Artist, Athlete, or someone who seems like you can relate with and it could change their overall day or week. I want tyo become one of those icons living changing lives from being genuinly kind to others.