Plan for the future not just the day- Kiernan Johnson
Pain changes Learn And Become a Better You
My reasoning for this approach is because I myself have gone through that negative mindset for months not realizing that I have been limiting myslef & that I am meant for way more then just driving trucks and doing the grunt work to make Income to support myself all year, I just needed to hear the right words and phrases through the right person that spoke to me and made me understand what I was doing wrong.
Once I became "Woke" & changed my mindset I have been asking myself how can I Spread this feeling of awareness & knowledge to not limit yourself and putting all this unecessary pressure on your shoulders stressing yourself out mentally & not letting you function to your best capability.
You only get to be this young age once in a life time. My goal is for these messages to spark and ignite the flames withim you to burn out that bad energy, the depression thats been holding you back socially, the stress your job brings to you, your relationship status. Better days are coming you just have to keep your head up & manifest the life you deserve into reality it will not happen over night.
Slow motion is better then no motion!
Speaking up is not easy if you feel it will go nowhere just like always you lose hope and stop trying to fix the issue because it seems hopeless on being able to change the outcome. What you don't realize is not taking that risk closes the door before you even get to an opportunity that could have changed your life.
Dreams 💡 Execution 🏆 Mindset 🧠 Discipline 🔁 Goals 🥅
These are the Steps that will make you successful
These are the Steps that will make you successful
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